Children’s Festival – BUN – Budućnost u nama
Due to the current situation in Croatia and in the world, for the safety of our children and everyone included, BUN has been postponed for October 17 th 2020.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Nives Pandža & BUN Team
BUN – Budućnost u nama (The Future In Us is a children’s festival of a revue- competitive character that places the artistic expression of the child’s feelingsat the forefront.
It’s our big pleasure to invite you on 8th children’s festival BUN – Budućnost u nama that will be held on October 17th 2020 in Zagreb.
BUN invites all domestic and foreign groups, clubs and individuals engaged in recreation, dance, singing, playing, acting, sports, who express their talent and imagination in a leisurely manner.
The competition part is intended for children from 6 to 18 years of age, while there is no age restriction in the revue part.
For more information about the Children’s Festival BUN, please check out our presentation on the following link: BUN Presentation
Individuals and groups can only apply in the following dance disciplines:
- Social, artistic and classical dance expression = classical ballet, contemporary and modern dance, standard and Latin American dance, jazz dance, showdance, acro dance
- Urban dance expression = hip hop, break dance, house, funk (popping, locking)
- Acrobatic dance expression = Acrobatic Rock’n’roll, Cheerleading, pom pom
- Open category = a combination of three or more dance expressions
Please see the Rules of the Festival at the following link: BUN Festival Propositions
Registrations for BUN 2020 are open!
Registrations are open until 9.10.2020.
Registration forms for each category are available on the following links:
How to participate?
1. Apply your preformance till 5.10.2020. by email buducnostunama@gmail.com
2. Wait for our approval
3. Pay the registration fee 40 kn per participant for one choreography. Each new choreography is 10 kn. Payments till October 9th, 2020.
- Recipients’ name: Udruga Um, duh i tijelo Gombalište, Božidara Magovca 79, 10 000 Zagreb
- IBAN: HR 3524 0200 6110 0532 880 (Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.)
- Payment description: Registration fee for 8th Children’s meeting “Budućnost u nama“
Drawing, Song, Essay Competition
You can send the drawings, songs and esseys with the theme “Folk costumes throughout history” to: UDRUGA UM, DUH I TIJELO GOMBALIŠTE, BOŽIDARA MAGOVCA 79, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA
About the organiser
The originator of the idea of BUN is Nives Pandža, who continuously promotes and implements her passion for sports, positive energy, companionship and an open mind and spirit through the activities of theGombalište Association – mind, spirit and body.
Through the Gombalište, she has brought together a team of parents, friends and members of theGombalište, who through their generous and dedicated work make a contribution to expand the story of Children’s Meetings.
- Nives Pandža, +385 98 1915 338
- E-mail: buducnostunama@gmail.com
- Facebook page Budućnost u nama